Saturday, March 24, 2007

Meat Loaf: Codified

I paged past this the other day while doing some legal research about parole hearings.

Title 15 California Code of Regulations Section 1247
(a) A disciplinary isolation diet that is nutritionally balanced may be served to an inmate...
(b) The disciplinary diet loaf shall consist of the following:
2-1/2 oz. nonfat dry milk
4-1/2 oz. raw grated potato
3 oz. grated carrots, chopped or grated fine
1-1/2 oz. tomatoe juice or puree
4-1/2 oz. raw cabbage, chopped fine
7 oz. lean ground beef, turkey, or rehydrated, canned, or frozen Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)
2-1/2 fl. oz. oil
1-1/2 oz. whole wheat flour
1/4 tsp. salt
4 tsp. raw onion, chopped
1 egg
6 oz. dry red beans, pre-cooked before baking (or 16 oz. canned or cooked red kidney beans)
4 tsp. chili powder

Shape into a loaf and bake at 350-375 degrees for 50-70 minutes.


Steve O said...


Anonymous said...

you want to talk inmate diets??? I CAN TALK inmate diets.

no constitutional right to a hot meatloaf either.

Unknown said...

very strange to me. one time i came across a website that had death row inmates' requests for their last meals, and what was approved and rejected. they wouldn't let the guy smoke one last cigarette. for some reason, i found that the most inhumane part of all.

dirteens said...

KBLA, I left the recipe unannotated because I was so staggered by how it summed up everything it stood for. In turn, you summed up my reaction perfectly, and to think, we're not even in the same state. What struck me in reading the recipe/regulation was just how pervasive the correctional system is, how it inflicts punishment (even through meatloaf), and tragically, even through last meals. Denying someone facing their death a cigarette is truly cruel. I've seen that website before too it's at:

Unknown said...

good entry teeny. you got the discussion going. lovelove. you should write more often than once every 6.5 mos.