Thursday, April 21, 2005

ligers, and panples, and porn-viruses oh my!

a few things:
1. see infra comment from my sis at previous post regarding the link i sent her from reputable (?) news source (ABC) proving that the liger actually exists. Now, although I didn't believe the Liger actually existed when I saw Napoleon Dynamite, I never would have believed that the "Tigon" (when the mother instead of the dad is the ligon) was also real. Despite the awesomeness of the Liger and Tigon, the Wholphin was even more astounding.
2. I really don't want this piece of web-space to devolve into postings solely devoted to my favorite TV shows. However, that desire won't stop me from referring to the OC tonight. A-mazing episode. Zach is the reincarnation of Oliver, minus the mental illness and guns. [I almost said minus the violence but we all remember when he punched Seth earlier this season...] Kirsten is emulating her son in her self-absorbtion and ridiculous crushes. I understand that she is probably still hurting from Sandy's dalliance with his old flame Rebecca, but please - Carter? He is incredibly lame and his silly nose moves every time he talks. I could go on but I'd rather end with this astute observation from my future roomie - "Zach aka Prince Humperdink."
3. Almost every day I thank God for my Macintosh. [I would say every day but for the fateful afternoon in Contracts last Spring when my screen went all Matrix on me right before finals. Turned out the "logic board" was cracked. My computer took a quick jaunt down to Virginia and came back days later clean as a whistle and working perfectly. I guess that's another good reason to love Apple.] Oh, i-book, why are you so good to me? I bring this up not just because Panther comes out in 8 days but because one of my PC using friends has a porn-virus infesting her computer. She as much as turns it on and some seriously disturbing images infiltrate her screen. This doesn't make much sense to me. Admittedly, I haven't seen the images, but I don't know why this type of spyware or virus or whatever seemed like a good idea. What revenue would hackers get from such a device? What's the motive behind this?
4. Finally, I thought I was done with the OC but I'm not. You've got to love a show that helps you "review" for Professional Responsibility and Evidence all in one little episode. Sandy acted as a negotiator, an advisor, and of course, a key player in a sting operation. Trey's statement to the police appeared to be an admission, and probably a declaration against interest. Finals HHere I come.


Anonymous said...

dirteens said...

i couldn't get this link to work but i imagine it was in reference to the article on the lexis security breach. apparently things are worse than they thought - over 300,000 people might be affected.
on that topic, of security --> computers --> intellectual property, i think i should probably take Intro to IP. i'm at Boalt after all. also i've recently been convinced of the problem as actually involving some things i really care deeply about. as rordog put it (roughly) "You've got to care when Disney is running your government and sending kids to federal prison for downloading video games," Such corporate interest domination and deeply problematic criminal punishment do seem important and even exciting. Problem with this is that I have little room in my schedule. Boo.

Oh - should I take estates & trusts or con law II (1st Amendment, free exercise etc)

dirteens said...

yeah, i gotta say i agree with that assessment. con law is WAY more exciting than estates and trusts. perhaps my real decision comes down to whether i should take an easy class (E&T) or something far more challenging (con law). thanks for your opinion caro. hope we can talk soon and silly amar, can't believe he didn't see your genius!

dirteens said...

i just realized how tipsy i actually was when i wrote that post. sorry for any confusion. next time i really write i'll be better. i promise.

Anonymous said...

you are too funny. i just busted out laughing about the porn virus in the library and someone told me to shut up. ahhh porn. lighten up boalt.

booyah does boalt?

dirteens said...

what's funnier than a porn virus? a porn virus with porn sound effects everytime it pops up - bow dink a dow bic a bow (or something like that...) i don't know why these hackers didn't think of that...

Anonymous said...

I've always liked Con Law the best, too, so I'd suggest 1st Amendment. Especially if you sit next to that hottie Tim Perry again.

dirteens said...

nimrod, are you taking 1st amendment? i would be very close to persuaded if i could sit behind you again.